ETAG Group GmbH

Cleopatra Travel

Address: Freie Str. 17, 4001 Basel
Telephone: 0613020080

Opening times & you can reach us by phone:
Monday to Friday: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Saturday: Dates by arrangement
Further dates by arrangement:

(We are happy to offer you separate appointments by arrangement)

That is what Cleopatra Travel, SWISS does differently !!
The Basel tandem - an accomplished Egyptian and a competent Egypt enthusiast team guaranteed exemplary advice!
With our young and active Nilers Tours, Egypt team, we work a lot on site efficient and close together.
You book - we confirm - you pay - 24 hours later you are happy about the travel documents!

Customer testimonials

We were very proud to receive such wonderful client feedback

Good afternoon Mr. Eish
I'll be happy to anticipate that we had a wonderful time in Egypt. EVERYTHING went very well, the flights, the on-site support, the transfers, the guides, the hotels. We are happy to recommend Cleopatra Travel, SWISS. Our guides in Cairo, Abu Simbel and Aswan-Luxor impressed us with their great knowledge. Above all, Hoda Helmy looked after us excellently in Cairo and spoiled us with individual explanations. It was definitely THE highlight of our vacation. There was always time to ask questions and to linger in special places. Photography was always possible. The same assessment also applies to the care in Abu Simbel. Outstanding ! The care of Aswan - Luxor was also characterized by a broad knowledge and interesting stories. Often, however, we didn't have the time to ask questions and to linger in one place every now and then. After listening, there was also no time to marvel at and internalize the incredible places. Sometimes we would have liked to walk more slowly through the sights. But ! But we liked it very much, and we are taking an incredible number of impressions back to Switzerland with us. IMPORTANT: Please recommend Hoda Helmy to your customers. She is guaranteed to repay the trust in an impressive manner. Thank you very much again for the trip you organized. Best regards and maybe another time "
Family Völlmin
Everything went very well. We are very satisfied with your work and thank you for the top service and the good organization "
Greetings from the Dietiker family
We would like to say thank you again for the short term Processing our vacation. It was great!. The hotel, the facility, the food very clean and good. The staff was very friendly and accommodating. We can highly recommend it.
Family Lüdi
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for our trip to Egypt. Thanks to your organization, everything went very well and was able to do so we can enjoy our holidays carefree. The entire crew that looked after us was very well trained and friendly and always responded to our requests. Thank you again, Mr. Eish, we can Gladly recommend your travel agency.
Kind regards
Family Meszaros
We arrived safely in Switzerland andalready have started work. That is how I wanted to tell you that we are one have spent a wonderful vacation. Everything was just right, the room, the cleanliness, the very nice staff, the kitchen, the beach etc. to be 99% we will fly to Egypt again next year and then we will book with you again of course.
Kind regards
The Lochmatter family
Just a quick message about our vacation in Sharm-el-Sheikh last May, which you had booked for us: the holidays have we liked it very much and everything went really well. Her tip to make a stopover in Cairo was certainly valuable instead of the bus excursion from Sharm-el-Sheikh to the pyramids. The tour guide for the Egyptian Museum and the pyramids was really very good.
Sincerely, "
Family Gerber
We are back from our vacation and would like to give you some feedback. Here is a first comment: We had a great trip and seen and experienced many beautiful things. Also thanks to your excellent organization!
Kind regards
Family Grimm
Thank you for the excellent preparation and implementation of our Trip to Egypt. All of your partners were reliable, always on time, courteous and exceptionally friendly. We had a wonderful time and thanks to you, lots of new things and Seen and experienced interesting things. We really enjoyed every minute. As communicated to Egypt we can put you and your company as one extremely committed Recommend service providers to all of our friends. Thank you again
On behalf of the whole group (Kulzer Party)

Cleopatra Travel

Egypt travel specialist in Switzerland - Cleopatra Travel

Freie Str. 17, 4001 Basel, Switzerland
Tel .: 0613020080

Egypt travel experts in Switzerland since 1993

Subsidiary of ETAG Group GmbH